Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 19: Adventure at the Scary Mall of Memphis

Went to the scariest mall in the entire world yesterday. If I remember correctly I went in to find ear bud headphones, and walked out with my heart racing, grateful for mall security. Ok, so it wasn't actually that scary, but I was not about to hang out there by myself after dark. Now I know about half of you reading this are shaking your heads because almost all of you have at one point or five told me to "be careful", and I assure you I have. But I was not aware how crappy the neighborhood around me is. After spending a whopping $.75 on my dinner at Aldi, which was a terrible idea, by the way..... very gross chicken, corn and potatoes, I pulled into a mall parking lot, and walked inside. This was my experience: walked by kiosk after kiosk of indian salesman trying to sell me "gold bling", store after store of spray painted t shirts, tacky shoes, and horrible "couture". I realized as I rounded the corner that the lights we very dim, I was the only female in sight, and also the whitest. The only two stores I recognized were Rainbow (super classy) and Sears. I ducked into Rainbow, and found myself in female company, and decided to buy new sunglasses, since I have lost a total of 2 pairs so far this trip. Cashless, I paid with a credit card, which let to the discovery that their machine was down. Long story short, they tried to take an imprint of my card, and after watching them fail for about 20 minutes, I calmly showed them how to do it. Though my impulse was to get the hell out of this empty shell of a mall, I decided to trek it over to Sears to get some socks. Mission accomplished, I briskly walked back to the front doors, dismayed at how zealous the vendors were to sell me bling, but grateful that mall security was present as I walked through the darkness to my car. Once back at the hotel I happily went for a swim in the heated pool, watched the debate (I swear if McCain said Joe one more time I was going to throw something), and crawled into my very very comfortable bed with 4, yes, 4 pillows!

Oh, and BTW. Earlier this week I went for lunch at McDonalds and the had crack there. (For those of you who don't know, crack is the touch screen video game, with my personal favorite PhotoHunt) And the best part: It was totally free. I gotta say it was the nicest McDonalds I have ever seen: flat screen TV, high tops, jukebox, vases with flowers. I was impressed by fast food. First time for everything.