Thursday, October 30, 2008

You know you're in Mississippi when......

The morning radio show is called  "Rick and Bubba"

All political discussions on the radio...., wait there are no discussions. This is a neon red state.

5 country stations, 2 soft rock stations, 3 christian stations, and one R&B station.

The ratio of McCain/Obama lawn signs are 10/1

There is a "lunch plate special" at every diner in town.

I have met 3 mayors who have come to these schools to introduce the show. AND THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME.

Tupelo is considered a "city"

When doing warm ups before a show, the P.E. teacher asks if you are having a seizure. 
(true story)

There is a Wal Mart 5 miles in either direction.

As the site of Elvis' birth and childhood home, there is a crazy lady talking and laughing to herself, or maybe to a leaf she thought was Elvis..... one of the two.

Every sponsor I meet that introduces our show feels the need to explain the genius behind when he was in a school play back in 1974 and changed the one line he had to get a laugh. The best one was when this guy explained to me what a dress rehearsal was. I heart people.

There is a pecan store named after a 1970's KKK enthusiast.

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