Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 3: Bibles for China: Mom would proud.

After a full day of shows, I went thrifting while housekeeping finally came and cleaned the hotel room. There is this thrift center down the street from the hotel, and upon entry I discovered that this establishment was named "Bibles for China", as was supported by the hundreds of religious books, paintings, CDs, even 8 tracks. I have posted some pictures for you to get a hint at what this store was like. The army stool with legs, the anti abortion flag (next to the star of David). There was even a painting at the cash register (next to the no swearing sign) of jesus and hanging from the painting was a crown of thorns. I even found some neat stuff, a book (1984), a picture frame, a hat (Marlboro Country Music, red cordoroy), and a little something to bring to someone back home. :) Made me miss Mom, as I usually hit up thrift stores with her. 
I am so excited to get out of this hotel tomorrow! We're moving to an extended stay hotel with a kitchen, dresser, desk, laundry, hopefully it will restore some normalcy. PLUS. Get to go downtown this weekend, go to BB Kings, hear some blues, sleep in. And then next weekend, to the home of Jack Daniel's to meet up with another troupe. Strange fact: the town where they make Jack is a dry town. You can only drink at the plant. Crazy, eh?
I find myself using ma'am's, and sir's a whole lot, I hear that everywhere and just have picked it up. Being so surrounded with these thick accents, you can't help but pick it up. It seems rude not to reply with "yes ma'am", when even the 6 year olds reply with it as they give me hugs. Which is damn cute by the way. 
For now..........

1 comment:

momofwonder said...

pround that you are carrying on a time-honored tradition; not so sure about the china/bible thing.