Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 6: Beale Street: Blues, Beer and Coyote's

I must preface this by saying that Beale Street is totally amazing in every way, and I order every one of you to go there as soon as you are able.
Picture this is if you will. Three traffic free blocks of cobblestone street, with bar after bar, and club after club with neon signs inviting you into a party of blues, bbq, beer and dancing. And between each of these 40 hopping joints, are street bands, each with their own blend of R&B, blues and a dancing crowd, all with a beer in hand. As you walk down the street, marveling at the abundance of energy pulsing through the crowds as they wander from place to place, you see a group of men clearing the street for the "Beale Street Jumpers", who proceed to do an impressive routine of acrobatics down the street with amazing precision. Maybe you stop into to the legendary blues club BB Kings to dance to the kick ass cover band, enjoy the delicious house draft, and taste the best fall off the bone ribs you will ever eat.
Sound good?
This was only the beginning of my night. After BB Kings, we went into  a place called Wet Willies to try their famous (read: strong) daquiris, and jello shots. The band there was a little more chill, but no less inspiring and toe tapping. Leaving this bar, we came across a street performer named Richard Johnston, who was playing guitar, a drum set, AND singing his own brand of the blues. He had gathered a HUGE crowd and even had his own roadie, who felt in necessary to drag me out in from to dance for a bit, but his horrible B.O. caused me to sneak away and in doing so was accosted by a man eager to buy me a drink, not because he was hitting on me, but out of appreciation for my appreciation for the music. This southern hospitality has been consistent all throughout the week, and it's just wonderful. And frankly, rather surprising.
I'd snuck a peek into Coyote Ugly as we walked by and was curious to see if it stood up to the way it was portrayed in the movie, so we ducked in for a bit. The girls were indeed on the bar doing their thing, they had a few dance numbers which were fun, but I'm sorry, they were no Tyra Banks. As I was ordering a beer at the bar, I found myself being pulled up and suddenly I was strutting down the bar dancing with a girl as she told me my boobs were "totally awesome".  Though I was slightly concerned that they were going to make me add my bra to the collection hanging on the wall (a risk that I took according to the sign on the wall, just by entering the bar) I went with it and had a blast. Even when I got down at the end of the song, another girl dragged me back up and also insisted on expressing her admiration for my boobs, while dancing all up and down the bar. Eventually, I was helped down and exited into the night, totally jazzed at my new found title as a Coyote. We checked out a few more bands along the way, finally decided to call it a night, and made our way back to the hotel, both of us totally wound up and buzzing from this exciting event. I have ever intention of going back as much as I can while I am here, it is truly one of the best places I have ever been.

If you like beer, BBQ, seafood, music, dancing and just general fun and games. THIS IS A MUST SEE!

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