Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ode to Patty O'tomtom Part One

Oh Patty, my Patty, how can I express, 
My deep gratitude for your help it's the best.
Your smart irish lilt makes me laugh right out loud, 
While you help me to navigate out of the crowd.

These things that I praise you for I never could do
For my directional skills are equal to poo poo.
Forgive my crude language, but please understand, 
Your patience and smarts help me explore this land.

I never will doubt you, or cause you to stray, 
You earn your rest well at the end of the day.
So please never spite me, or change your sweet lingo.
Or at very high speeds I'll chuck you out the window.


Anonymous said...


I love it!


momofwonder said...

wouldn't that be Paddy?