Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 4: Paternity Tests, the economy and Hole in the Wall.

I am endlessly amazed by how much you discover in only the space of 24 hours.
Like today, I discovered, via the radio, about a paternity test that is available at my local Walgreens, and thank god for that. Now I can finally find out who the baby daddy's of all my bastard children are, simply by swabbing their cheeks and sending them into the corporate headquarters. Finally.
Also, the adventure of the day was to hit up a mall, maybe see a movie, buy something pretty, especially since I never EVER go to the mall at home. Anyway, drove down to downtown Memphis, to what seemed to be a massive, fancy, exciting mall called Peabody Place, right down the street from Beale. What did I find? A three story mall, with 6 open stores: Starbucks, Footlocker, Victoria's Secret, some ice cream cake store, Gap, and some specialty clothing store. Lame. So, I got a sneak peak at Beale Street, but I will not be sharing this with you quite yet. It is waaaay too awesome to just give a little bit of information. Tomorrow is the day I will explore not only the streets (which you can drink on), but the blues clubs (which are everwhere), and the BBQ, and trust me. After I sleep in on Saturday I will spare no detail. I know you're jealous. 
What was I talking about?
Oh yeah.
Tried to get to another mall across town, which had Sears open but NOTHING else. Plus it was surrounded by empty strip malls, out of business restaurants, and for lease buildings. My interpretation about our "troubled economy" extended as far as business being slow at the restaurant, me struggling to pay my bills etc.... But seeing all these empty buildings, knowing how many people had lost their jobs, it really hit home that........this blows, and we could all be in a lot of trouble if it continues. Thinking back to Louisville, and all the empty stores we passed, commenting on how it seemed to be a ghost town, it seems to not be exclusive to this area. 
Strange though, while all these local business are going under, there is still funding available to produce a show on FOX called Hole in the Wall, which is a reality show where contestants......... wait for it.......... jump through a hole in the wall. No joke.

Finally in an extended stay hotel/apartment with a kitchen, laundry and reliable internet. Plus, I'm saving a ton of money on my weekly budget, so I may get to stay at the real Heartbreak Hotel my last night in town. Freaking awesome.

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